Online Professional Courses in New York

Professional courses near New York, career oriented online courses for students in New York , learn from experts from New York area.
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Are you Trainer, Coach, Teacher in New York?
If you are a professional coach or trainer in New York, looking for students for your professional online courses or want to conduct workshops, we help you promoting your online course and in New York, join us, it’s free!
Softskill Training Workshop
Softskill training, learn presentation, corporate communication
1 Day | 500
In Class Saltlake, Sector-V 5/8/2024
Guitar Training
Guitar training, learn how to play guitar, from very basic, one to one session by experienced trainer in group
5 Day | 2500
My Home - Prunima Nagar 5/11/2024
MS SQL Training
SQL query training, database designing and development
5 Day | 5000
Online - In-Office Saltlake 5/13/2024
HR Training
Learn HR basic opertaion, best practice, talent search, requirement handling
5 Day | 3500
Online - In-Office Saltlake 5/7/2024
.Net C# Training
.Net C# course, .Net Training, write code in C# in just 5 days, write your first console application
5 Day | 5000
Online - In-Office Saltlake 5/11/2024

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If you are a professional coach in New York, want to teach your course to students in New York, please register with as, it's free!

Hobby Classes in New York

Learn or teach hobby classes in New York, Aerobic class, cooking class, Yoga Meditation class, western dance, photography class, classical music.

Learn Foreign Language in New York

Teach or learn foreign languages in New York, Learn English, Spanish, Bengali, Marathi, Guajarati, Hindi, Punjabi, Kannad, Telegu, Tamil from expert language trainer near New York.

Learn IT Courses in New York

Competitive Exam Coach in New York

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